The Fonds Afro-Entrepreneurs is proud to support women’s entrepreneurship in black communities by investing in BLENDED BEAUTY Hair Care Inc. The company was created by Abisara Machold, owner of the Inhairitance Curl Spa hair salon, to make her personal experience and mastery of the science of chemical ingredients used in hair and cosmetic products available to Afro-descendant women.

Products for curly and frizzy hair

Frizzy and curly textures have long been devalued due to decades of denaturation in order to conform to the beauty standard represented by straight hair. With Blended Beauty products, Abisara Machold hopes to help black people love and celebrate their hair in its natural state.
Blended Beauty offers 14 different products, enabling everyone to find the one that best suits their hair type. Building on their success in Quebec and Canada, Blended Beauty Hair Products are now available in the United States and Europe.